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Case Studies


Gut Mind Connection

Vicki | Age 50

Issue: Gut, Immunity & Energy

Vicki was used to having good energy levels, but had started feeling very flat and tired. This was especially noticeable after eating lunch. She had noticed some anxiety starting to creep in, and felt she was getting “wound up” more easily. She was getting a few headaches and starting to wake up before 5am. Despite being a healthy weight, Vicki felt she possibly had some new abdominal weight or bloating. Vicki had occasional skin flares, which was not new, but she suspected was gut related


Vicki's gut had recently been disrupted by a serious case of diarrhoea with fevers. After the diarrhoea stopped, Vicki was left with a chronic sore throat with tender glands which flared sporadically. Vicki's bowels were still either unformed or irregular on a monthly basis, possibly related to her menstrual cycle. Vicki's online business had been extremely busy during the pandemic and she recognised a need for more balance. Vicki also sadly lost her close cousin during this time. 

Naturopathic Care

Vicki was already eating well – three substantial meals and a snack – with plenty of fresh food, vegetables and protein. So, we determined the FoodFit Program was a key part of a gut re-set for Vicki, to ensure she was only eating compatible foods. Initially we began with the vitamins, minerals, herbs and probiotics Vicki needed to support her immune system. Then, we transitioned to supplements which supported energy and the effects of stress. Supplement choices were guided by blood tests we ordered for Vicki including cortisol, thyroid and iron.


Vicki normally enjoyed walking but had stopped exercising when her work became increasingly busy. During the first months of undertaking the FoodFit Program, Vicki also started home renovations which added time pressure.

 “I am feeling good, we all had a bit of a head cold a week or two ago but recovered well, just lots of rest.  I have however noticed my skin in my arms has cleared up the last week and I am feeling a lot more focused and less tired in the afternoons. Also, I am sleeping really well and no bloating - which is the best change!”

One month after starting FoodFit Program

Image by Anne Allier

Mental Health

Caitlin | Age 36

Issue: Depression & Anxiety

Caitlin was referred to me by her counsellor. In her first appointment, Caitlin described herself as having very bad depression. She was lacking motivation – she would write To Do lists, but not be able to achieve anything. She was avoiding social situations, like mother’s group. She was struggling to get out of bed in the mornings and worried about her energy levels every day. Her memory and concentration had also been affected, to the point she was too scared to apply for a part-time job, as she doubted her ability to fulfil tasks. A recent increase in her sertraline prescription had not helped.


Caitlin was a mother to two young boys, and her partner was FIFO. However, she felt uncomfortable asking for help. She had a history of anxiety since childhood, related to emotional trauma.

Naturopathic Care

Caitlin started on herbal capsules and probiotics for neuro-inflammation, restoring adrenal energy and modulating the stress response. She also had a magnesium and B vitamin formula for neurotransmitter production, nervous system calming and sustained energy. These were all compatible with her prescription medication. Starting some form of exercise at least once a week, and increasing her water intake were starting points for better self-care.


Caitlin had a good appetite, but admitted she was a fussy eater. So, we delayed discussing food until she was feeling better, and had the headspace to make some changes.

One month after her first appointment, Caitlin said she felt “great”. Usually housecleaning was too overwhelming, but she’d had the energy to do it all whilst her youngest was at daycare. From there, it was a matter of maintaining her good mental health and addressing her secondary issue of slight hormonal imbalance. We were able to begin discussing better food choices for long-term wellbeing. In Caitlin's case, the food advice also took into account a tendency for a runny nose and headaches.

Image by Margaret Jaszowska

Child Health

Steve F | Age 8

Issue: Emotional Instability

Steve’s parents had noticed a significant personality change over the previous year. He was increasingly fidgety and was showing signs of anxiety and irritability. He was occasionally either having or imagining a sore stomach to avoid school. The irritability had escalated to episodes of explosive anger. Steve was quite fixated on computer games, but these appeared to be detrimental to his mood, and attempts to limit use often triggered episodes.  


Steve’s family has a history pyroluria, methylation and associated mental health issues. Steve and his family had moved back to Australia approximately one year before. Often, significant life events such as moving country can initiate a period of poor mental health. In Steve’s case this also coincided with starting school for the first time.

Naturopathic Care

Steve’s progress was not linear. We began with basic gut support (FoodFit Program) and basic nutrient support. This continued for a few months whilst we obtained the relevant test results for Sam. Once the underlying issues had been confirmed, we were able to begin more targeted supplementation. These were altered a couple if times to suit Steve’s preferences and his mental health status. Over time, we transitioned from the 600 Foods Plan, to a low-salicylate diet for Steve.


Due to sensory issues, landing on the relevant supplements which were both child-appropriate and without taste or texture issues took some trial and error. Moving schools and losing a close school friend to home-schooling were challenging for Steve’s confidence and therefore mood. Periods of feeling better - eg. school holidays, time with grandparents interstate – understandably led to some lapses in compliance.   

“He is actually doing really well. Despite the end of term coming and being tired, the mornings have been quite good if we manage the time and don't have to rush. So, I think the supplement combination, with some lifestyle changes, have made the difference…His mental health has been good.”



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