A naturopath is a bit like a health detective.
A naturopath is a bit like a health detective.
In your initial consult we will ask you questions around your primary concerns, but also ask about all of your other body systems.
Our consultations draw information about health factors including family history, life events, environmental exposures, current situation and lifestyle.
We may arrange testing of blood, urine, saliva, stool or DNA if required.
Our recommendations cover food, drink, routines, habits and supplementation. Everything is specific to your needs and preferences.
Comprehensive and individualised service is what sets us apart and gets results.
Consultation Process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Information Gathering
With thorough questioning, we gather information on your case. We will communicate to you the various options we recommend, both verbally and in writing. You will receive a printed Advice Sheet to take home.
Action & Analysis
You decide which options you wish to undertake. We will guide you on expected timeframes in which to see results. If test results are available, these will be analysed naturopathically before your next appointment. If testing is required, we can advise or order.
Review & Adjust
A follow-up consultation will be scheduled an appropriate time after your initial consult. At your follow-up, we will review your original concerns and your progress. We may build on your original advice, or discuss alternatives. Your advice sheet is updated and provided to you every time.


1 hour

45 minutes
One-on-one consultation, devoted to your personal areas of concern or interest
Personalised advice sheets, updated every time
Helpful handouts
Test analysis in-between consults
Case-specific research in-between consults
Access to us in-between consults for queries, via email
Online prescription for home delivery
Optional online consultation via Skype or Teams
Professional administration support for bookings and payments
Free supplement pick-up from the front desk
The cost of supplements or testing is separate. It depends on your situation and preferences, and will always be discussed in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions
What will I have to do?
At your consult, all you have to do is tell us about yourself. It feels good to stop and reflect on your health and wellbeing. Once you leave, you need to refer to your Advice Sheet. You may need to order supplements in between appointments to maintain consistency.
How long does it take to work?
Naturopathy is not a quick fix. We talk about allowing a month’s healing for every year of suffering. Also, the concept of the body needing three months for cellular change. Some symptoms respond within days, others require ongoing support.
The time in-between visits may be as short as two weeks; we may allow one month for changes to occur; three months for patterns to be observed; or just have a yearly check-in.
Our goal is for you to not need us anymore! But until you are happy with your functionality, we provide the support and accountability you need.
What conditions can be helped?
Almost any ailment you can name, naturopathy can support, for example:
Low Mood
Emotional Regulation
Learning and Cognitive Difficulties
Grief / Trauma Recovery
Sleep Issues
Joint / Muscle / Nerve Pain
Constipation / Diarrhoea
Low Immunity
Long-Term Infections
Headaches & Migraines
Hormonal Imbalance
Menstrual Symptoms
Peri-Menopausal Symptoms
Cardiovascular Health
Athlete Performance and Recovery (including HASTA certified products)
Naturopathy is equally effective for chronic health conditions and acute situations.

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